7 Ways to Start Each Workday with Maximum Productivity

Most of us lead such busy lives that it’s often quite challenging to be productive. Every day, you need to juggle too many tasks at work. You want to spend quality time with your family too, but you have very little free time. Doing it all and staying productive just seems impossible.

But it’s not.

It’s easy for someone productive to say that, right? Well, I was just like you once. I couldn’t for the life of me understand how people managed to stay organized with a busy schedule.

But it’s actually a lot easier than you may think.

It takes several simple steps that you should start your every workday with. And we’re about to go through them.

1. Plan Everything in Advance

This is very important. Planning all your tasks a day early will help you keep all your priorities straight. It will also prevent you from forgetting something when the next workday comes.

Create a checklist of everything you need to do the next day, along with designated time for every activity. Do this either immediately after work or before going to sleep at night.

That way, you’ll be ready for everything that’s waiting for you at the office, and you’ll start it all on time.

2. Start the Day with a Pre-Work Routine

I don’t mean reading the paper or fuelling up with a cup of joe. You need to get your body to produce the energy you need for the day.

Yes, you should work out.

If you’re not a morning person, working out as soon as you wake up is certainly not your cup of tea. But try it. Really try it for a couple of weeks, and you’ll see just how good it is.

It won’t make you tired before your workday. It will get your blood pumping, stimulate the production of feel-good hormones, and boost your focus and memory - just what you need for the workplace.

And you don’t need to get up too early to squeeze in your exercise. Even 10 minutes of cardio or jogging will do the trick.

Don’t forget to eat a protein-rich breakfast, or drink a protein smoothie to additionally boost your energy. Your body will thank you.


3. Choose an Empowering Outfit

This may sound silly because what does the way you dress have to do with productivity?

Quite a bit, actually.

We all wear clothes that make us feel comfortable, right? When you feel good in your favorite shirt or pants, it shows. It reflects in everything you do.

So, when you look and feel good, you’ll be able to tackle all your tasks without a hitch. No challenge will seem too difficult, because you’ll feel like a superhero.

Therefore, always choose an outfit that will make you feel good and empowered. Make sure it’s comfortable, office-friendly, and paints a picture of a professional who can do anything they set their mind to.

4. Don’t Be Late

The early bird catches the worm, as the saying goes. And being late isn’t very professional, is it?

If you’re chronically late, it’s really high time you ditched the nasty habit.

First of all, your boss will appreciate it. Immensely.

Second, you will have more time to finish all your tasks without worrying about missing deadlines. Remember that thing called a social life? You’ll get it back because you won’t be spending all your time trying to juggle your work-related activities.

Do you know what might help? Changing all your clocks back.

I have a friend who did that once. After a while, he started arriving on time everywhere. You can try it if nothing else helps.

5. Make Your Drover Ride Productive

You can start being productive way before you clock in at work. If you use Drover Rideshare for your daily commute, you can turn the ride into your productivity booster.

But how can you boost your productivity on your next Drover trip?

You can meditate, listen to a podcast, brush up on your foreign language skills, you name it. Sit back, get creative, and prepare for your workday with a smile on your face.

Who says that a taxi ride has to be boring?


6. Tackle the Most Daunting Tasks First

Most of us prefer starting the day with something simple. An easy task that you could do in your sleep.

But that makes it incredibly more difficult to look forward to the rest of your workday. You know those daunting tasks are waiting for you, and you can’t hide from them forever. The more you postpone them, the tougher it will be to tackle them later.

That’s primarily because you won’t have the same level of focus that you had in the morning. And all the thinking about what awaits you will eventually kill your productivity.

So, take on those challenging tasks as soon as you get to work. You’ll complete them easier with a clear mind.

Also, your brain will activate its reward system once the hardest things are done, releasing those happy hormones, and boosting your productivity.

7. Slash All Distractions

You probably deal with many distractions throughout your workday. Emails keep filling up your inbox; social media notifications keep popping up; people don’t stop calling you. It can be a nightmare.

Perhaps all those alerts are to blame for your lack of productivity.

You need to take control and eliminate all your distractions. Stop constantly checking your email or social media feed. Turn off all the alerts, or set designated times when you’ll sit down and respond to everyone.

That will help you focus on what’s right in front of you, so you’ll stay organized and insanely productive.

Let’s Boost Productivity

If you follow these steps every morning for a short while, they’ll quickly become part of your habit. Being productive will be a walk in the park.

Download the Drove Rideshare app today and let us help you turn your every workday into a productive adventure.